domenica 10 gennaio 2021

The January Challenge. Day 10

The January Challenge. Day 10
Jess Thom's challenge. A story retold.

Take your favourite childhood book, and reimagine the story from a different character's perspective. Try and choose a lesser known character, or one that you wish you knew more about. How does their perspective change the story? If they are an evil character, do you see a good side? If they are a quiet character, do we learn more about them? 
You could capture your reimagined story in writing, a cartoon doodle or by telling somebody. It can be as serious or silly as you like. Don't take too long! What comes to your mind? 

Terza sfida che salto in dieci giorni... Quest'anno va particolarmente male :-( 

Le altre sfide erano:

sabato 9 gennaio 2021

The January Challenge. Day 9

The January Challenge. Day 9
Yomi Adegoke's challenge

Hide or move something in a photograph, piece of art or creation. Challenge somebody else to find it! You could take two photographs, and change 3 things in the picture. You could take a photograph and camouflage yourself in it! You could doodle a scene and hide a tiny character, detail or word for others to guess what you have moved or’s up to you! 

Anche oggi arrivo un po' lunga. Non ho avuto molta ispirazione quindi ho semplicemente nascosto un folletto di natale in mezzo ai miei trudini. Ma è facilissimo trovarlo... 

Le altre sfide erano:

The January Challenge. Day 8

The January Challenge. Day 8 

Our three collaborators, Lemn Sissay, Yomi Adegoke and Jess Thom have each selected 31 challenges from the hundreds that were sent in from people of all ages and backgrounds across the country. 

Every Friday, everybody will come together to do the same challenge! 

Did you guess who set today's challenge...? It's Inua Ellams! Born in Nigeria in 1984, Inua Ellams is an internationally touring poet, playwright, performer, graphic artist & designer.
Inua’s book “The Actual” is a collection of poems that explore the big things happening in the world that affect him on a personal level. 

Take a few moments to reflect on the big things happening around you - can you think of a specific story or experience that demonstrates how it affects you?
Can you find the words to turn that specific story into a poem? Your poem can be as long, short or detailed as you would like. 

La sfida del venerdì è uguale per tutti ed è stata proposta da un poeta nigeriano chiamato Inua Ellams. Ho visto il video in cui parla della sua sfida. 
Sinceramente, ho deciso di non partecipare. Non sono ispirata in questi giorni a scrivere un poema su un argomento che mi sta a cuore. Sempre sinceramente, non ho voglia di fermarmi a riflettere come stanno facendo troppe delle sfide proposte. L'anno scorso erano più basate sulla creatività, quest'anno è tutto un riflettere. Mi spiace, questa la salto a piedi pari.

giovedì 7 gennaio 2021

The January Challenge. Day 7

The January Challenge. Day 7 
Jess Thom's challenge. Create a bird. 

Let your imagination a bird! Create a bird - it might be a drawing, a mini sculpture, a collage, a piece of writing - anything goes. What are the colours, textures, and shapes of your feathered friend? 

Ho deciso di creare un uccellino utilizzando dei ponpon e aggiungendo poi del feltro per le ali, del cartoncino per il becco e due perle tonde per gli occhi

La altre sfide erano:

mercoledì 6 gennaio 2021

The January Challenge. Day 6

The January Challenge. Day 6. 
Yomi Adegoke's challenge. Find a rinbow. 

Create a rainbow using the items you have around you. Your rainbow might be big, might be small, it might be made of socks, food, books, pencils - anything goes. Find the colour! 
“Rainbows have been seen as symbols of hope and pride, we could use some of that at the start of this new year.” 

Mi sono divertita a fare tre esperimenti di arcobaleno. Ovviamente, Winky non era molto collaborativa, ma va beh..

Le altre sfide erano:

martedì 5 gennaio 2021

The January Challenge. Day 5

The January Challenge. Day 5. 
Lemn Sissay's challenge. 

You wake up and find you have been given leadership of your country, and you can choose to organise the nation however you like, with whatever values you feel passionate about. You are about to make your first speech to everyone. They've asked you to make it in the style of a rap, a rhyme or a poem that will last up to 5 minutes. Choose any style you like. It doesn't have to rhyme!

Sinceramente credo di saltare la sfida di oggi. Non credo di poter mettere in poema o in rap quello che farei se avessi il potere totale della mia nazione. L'argomento è troppo serio. Per prima cosa, toglierei dai piedi gli incompetenti, in qualsiasi ambito: dalla politica, dalla scuola, dalla medicina. Avrei pochi consiglieri, ma di comprovata fiducia e capacità. Allo stesso modo, chi non sa fare il suo lavoro potrebbe togliersi dai piedi, sostituito da chi ha voglia di sbattersi e lavorare. In ogni settore economico. Basta clientelismo, basta favoritismi, nepotismi e simili. Rilancerei il turismo, cavolo l'Italia può battere chiunque con tutte le sue bellezze artistiche e naturali. Riscriverei le leggi: poche e comprensibili, chiare in ciò che dispone e in cosa utilizza per "punire"; basta rinvii e testi illeggibili. Rilancerei tutto ciò che è "sociale": al primo posto le persone e i bisogni di salute, cultura, assistenza. Punirei tutti coloro che fanno i furbetti e tutti coloro che fanno del male ad altri (animali compresi). Purtroppo bisognerebbe cambiare la mentalità di tanta gente, ma se ci sono riusciti in Inghilterra con gli hooligans potremmo riuscirci anche qui. E poi mi fermo qui perchè tanto non sarò mai il leader di niente e posso solo fare del mio meglio nel mio piccolo.

Le altre sfide erano:

lunedì 4 gennaio 2021

The January Challenge. Day 4

The January challenge day 4. 
Yomi Adegoke's challenge. Wear your happy.

Wear your happy! When we dress we often do so to match the way we feel at the time. Karen’s challenge is to choose to wear clothing that you LOVE. Perhaps it has a soft texture, reminds you of a happy memory from when you wore it last, or the person who may have gifted it to you. Perhaps it's a colour that you love, a vintage item that takes you closer to history, or fun shoes that make you smile because of the noise or way they look. Perhaps it's a Top Hat, perhaps it's a headwrap...or perhaps it’s all of the above.

I bought this necklace during a cruise to Greece. I loved that travel. First because I visited Athens. Second because I visited Malta, and this was one of my dreams. Third because during that cruise I knew a couple living in Milan and we became good friends.

Le altre sfide erano:

domenica 3 gennaio 2021

The January Challenge. Day 3

The january challenge day 3. 
Jess Thom’s challenge. Pocket of hope.

Make a Pocket of Hope. Decorate a piece of paper with words, images, marks or colour that will give you or someone else hope or joy. Keep it in your pocket, purse, wallet, bag or somewhere to find whenever you like. You could make one for someone you know to carry with them and include things you know they like or enjoy. Think of it as a visual or written pick-me-up that can be used repeatedly as needed! 

I took a lot of time to understand What a pocket of hope was 😅 and I am not sure about the result (nor so satisfied..) because the part inside is a little confused 🤔 anyway, this is my idea.. What will save us? Kindness and love 😉

Le altre due sfide erano:

sabato 2 gennaio 2021

The January Challenge. Day 2.

The January Challenge. Day 2. 
Lemn Sissay’s challenge. Love. 

Write the word LOVE in any material or materials you want! Write in calligraphy, create a collage, find objects that look like letters - or find letters hidden in objects. Create some love today. 

I tried to place in this picture some of the things I love: a couple of my hobbies (beading and knitting) and my cat. Unfortunately, she creates an unpleasant shadow in the left part of the photo, but she was not so collaborative (I'm taking her stopped 😅🤭 )

Le altre due sfide erano:

venerdì 1 gennaio 2021

Anche quest'anno ho deciso di partecipare alla January Challenge lanciata da 64 Million Artists!
La novità di quest'anno era che si poteva scegliere fra tre sfide differenti, proposte da 3 collaboratori, oppure un mix delle tre. Ho deciso di partecipare al mix delle tre per avere più varietà e poi non sapevo chi scegliere perchè mi ispiravano tutti e tre simpatia (se proprio avessi dovuto scegliere, probabilmente avrei scelto Lemm Sissay). Solo per oggi, per chi ha scelto il mix delle sfide, si può scegliere tra le sfide del primo giorno di tutti i collaboratori. 


The January challenge 2021- Day 1. 

You’ve chosen to take part in the Wildcard - a mixture of all three programmes! 
Our three collaborators have all designed their own challenge for Day 1.
So, just for today - you have a choice of three challenges...

1 – Lost and found (Yomi Adegoke) What do you want to leave in 2020, and what do you want to find in 2021? You could think of this challenge like a time capsule - gather all of the things you would like to leave behind in 2020. You could put things in a box, you could write a list or you could make an illustration. Now, gather all of the things you want to find in 2021! They could be physical things or they could be memories, ambitions or experiences you are hoping for. 

2 – Conversation with a lamp post (Jess Thom) Having Tourettes Syndrome means that Jess notices details in the world that she might not otherwise. This includes chatting to the lamppost outside her bedroom window every night! Have a conversation with a familiar object in your area. What will you say to it? What will it say back? Capture your conversation in writing or a doodle. 

3 – I remember (Lemm Sissay) Write down the words ‘I remember.’ Now, write down whatever memory comes to mind - it might be something small, it might be something big - it doesn’t matter, anything goes! Every time you run out of ideas, go back and start each new line with the same words ‘I remember.’ 

I chose challenge n. 3. 

I remember when I used to say that leap years do not scare me, because the saddest things in my life happened in the one before the leap. I never thought I would have lived in a pandemic.

I remember the day it was rumored that we would be locked up in the house. I had a medical visit that day, it had been booked many months ago and I didn't know if I could go or not. I went.

I remember that the next day (March 11) my chief called me to say to stay at home, more because my colleague had been at home. The full extent of what was happening would be discovered in the following days.

I remember I’ve watched the television for the news. Then at some point, after a few days, I didn't make it anymore. The more I listened to tragic news, the more I felt bad. The more I listened to fake news, the angrier I got. 

I remember I treasured the days at home. I tidied up, I tried new recipes, I sewed many masks, I warmed up on the terrace in the Easter sun. I enjoyed the silence of the cars, the singing of the birds, the scents of wildflowers never so intense. 

I remember the daily phone calls of some friends to whom this forced quarantine created discomfort. Somehow, I was getting a great peace of it instead.

I remember the wickedness of people. I remember someone said this pandemic would make us better. No prophecy was more wrong. Those who had bad feelings in themselves, made them even worse.

I remember a friend who told me about making a video-call, and my boyfriend, who lives on the other side of the province, who tried to see how it worked a few minutes later. And since that day he has video-called me every day. 

I remember the good intentions of those days, the charge that the sun gave me. 

I remember when I had to go for another medical visit in mid-July. That day I quarreled with the doctor and left the hospital feeling angry and mortified. I remember that I was alone because my doctor was busy with far more serious problems and illnesses. 

I remember that I took very few days of vacation by the sea, looking for places where there were few people. I remember when the holidays were the time when I made new friends. This year just made us keep our distance. 

I remember when the second lockdown started, I thought I was going crazy. So many sacrifices made for nothing. 

I remember that a few days ago I read the horoscope. He said the next will be a year of change. He said it will be a lighter year with no more Saturn against. I don't believe in horoscopes. But I hope for a change.

Buon 2021...

Ah, se bastasse davvero cambiare l'ultima cifra dell'anno per veder cambiare le cose...
Questo 2020 è stato pesante. Ho passato altri anni difficili, ma questo è stato una specie di mannaia sul futuro. Ho visto intorno a me tanta cattiveria. Laddove avremmo dovuto essere una comunità, c'erano tanti singoli a cui degli altri non importava proprio nulla. Ho pensato spesso al mio futuro e con molta tristezza. Al punto che ho dovuto smettere di pensarci o mi avvelenavo anche il presente. 
Ho retto bene il primo lockdown; tutto sommato avevo bisogno di una pausa, ed arrivava in un momento in cui intorno a me non avevo situazioni in sospeso (ad esempio sul lavoro ero riuscita anche a mettermi avanti). Ma il lockdown dell'autunno l'ho preso male. Mi sono sacrificata per tutta l'estate mentre la gente andava in giro a gozzovigliare, andava in Spagna (cavolo in Spagna dove il covid era peggio che da noi in quel momento). E così per colpa di irresponsabili e di politici intenti solo a pensare a stronzate come i banchi rotanti, ancora una volta ci ha rimesso chi ha fatto sacrifici. E ho continuato a farli, continuo a farli, ma ammetto che sono molto stanca. Questo nemico invisibile ha colpito anche una cara amica in questi giorni. Per fortuna non ci vedevamo da ben prima di Natale, non posso immaginare se mi ammalassi io e facessi ammalare i miei.. Poi nuovi problemi di salute... E il 30, ultimo giorno di lavoro, ho scoperto una nuova situazione critica in ufficio... non ne posso più, ho le spalle che cominciano a farmi male per questi pesi...
Eppure nel nuovo anno ci si spera sempre... Speriamoci...