domenica 4 aprile 2021

The January Challenge. Day 31

The January Challenge. Day 31
Jess Thom's challenge. Jar of possibilities.

Create a prompt jar filled with a range of different ideas to inspire your creativity in the future.
It might be prompts to inspire drawings and painting like “add dots” or “add a new colour” - or writing prompts like “introduce a new character.” Or, it might be a collection of creative challenges you would like to try again, or you didn’t get round to this month.
Create a collection that you can keep coming back to and adding to. Keep your creativity flowing!
What has been a highlight of the last month for you? Celebrate your achievements - the big ones, small ones and the ones in between.

Le altre sfide:


Quest'anno la January challenge è stata disastrosa. Avevo cominciato a saltare alcune sfide, poi ad un certo punto gliel'ho proprio data su. C'erano troppe, troppe, sfide piene di riflessioni e non ce la facevo. Non ne avevo voglia. L'anno scorso era stata carina perchè era più "creativa" in senso materiale; quest'anno mi ha molto deluso. L'ho scritto anche nel questionario finale.
E sebbene la sfida sia finita il 31 gennaio, solo ora riesco a postare gli ultimi giorni che mancavano. Non volevo lasciarla a metà, mi faceva piacere avere una specie di "memoria" della sfida, anche se non l'ho compilata. Spero di riuscire a parteciparci il prossimo anno. 

The January Challenge. Day 30

The January Challenge. Day 30 
Lemn Sissay's challenge. Shh! 

Find somewhere - anywhere - to hide a poem or a note for somebody else to find. 
Like Rupinder, you could create a magical place outside to hide your words, or you could hide your it in a letter, in a sock, or even in a mug ready for somebody to find when they make a cup of tea. 
Perhaps your poem or note is the ‘Recipe for Happiness’ poem from yesterday's challenge - or perhaps it's something brand new.

Le altre sfide:

The January Challenge. Day 29

The January Challenge. Day 29
It's Friday! And on Friday's, everybody taking part in The January Challenge comes together to do the same challenge.
Recipe for happiness.

Write a poem that is a recipe for happiness.
Think about the ingredients you would choose - where do you find them, and how much of each ingredient do you need?
Write your recipe instructions down, and let’s get cooking!
Has your recipe changed over the last year? What is your most special, secret ingredient?

The January Challenge. Day 28

The January Challenge. Day 28
Lemn Sissay's challenge. A mundane conversation.

Write or dictate a short two person dialogue and aim to make it as boring or mundane as possible.
Don't look at the second part of this challenge until you have written something!
Now, read it back - but imagine what is not being said. What are these characters avoiding talking about? Or what are they waiting for an opportunity to talk about? Did you have an idea of who they are?
What happens if you drastically change this? If your characters were in their 70s, what happens if you imagine they are very young children?
You can spend as much or as little time as you like on part two. This can be a 5 minute mental exercise, or you might want to share your discoveries and ideas with others.

Le altre sfide:

The January Challenge. Day 27

The January Challenge. Day 27
Yomi Adegoke's challenge. Wrapped up.

Design it on A4 paper, or any scrap paper you can find - the reverse of old wallpaper works well. You can draw, print or paint - try to use whatever you have already at home, in your garden or in your kitchen draw. You could add texture by folding or scrunching the paper.

Le altre sfide:

The January Challenge. Day 26

The January Challenge. Day 26
Jess Thom's challenge. A new perspective

Find A New Angle! Choose a place you know well - inside or outside.
Can you find a way to experience it in a different way? You could look at it through something, or stand, lie or sit somewhere different. What are the new sounds, smells and textures you experience from your new angle?
Spend 5 minutes (or more) from your new angle, and then capture what you notice - especially anything new. You could take a photograph, draw or write.

Le altre sfide:

The January Challenge. Day 25

The January Challenge. Day 25
Lemn Sissay's challenge. Stack of socks.

Make a picture or sculpture out of...socks!
Stripey socks, holey socks, odd socks - anything goes. What will your sculpture depict?
It might be a face, it might be a giant sock - it might even depict your views on where spare socks actually disappear to...

Le altre sfide:

The January Challenge. Day 24

The January Challenge. Day 24.
Yomi Adegoke's challenge. Freestyle.

Set a timer for between 5 and 10 minutes.

Using the things around you - pencils, pens, paint, food, leaves, family members, your computer - get creative! You might write, draw, build, read, dance, cook - or imagine!
Don't plan what you're going to do, and try not to worry about the results. Just freestyle. How does it feel? Try and use every single second! What will happen?

Le altre sfide: