mercoledì 5 gennaio 2022

The January challenge. Day 5

Vi siete già accorti che ho già cominciato a saltare delle giornate? Sigh...

Today's Challenge comes from the "We Are Culture" programme.
Create a vision board for 2022! Put down your hopes, your dreams, whatever it is that you want to experience - get it on paper.
Use colour, words, collage, whatever inspires you. Bring your visions to life!

Day 5. Vision Board.
Not so original but I would be extremely happy to reach at least some of these goals

Le altre sfide.

We are human:

We are connected:

domenica 2 gennaio 2022

The January challenge. Day 2

Today's Challenge comes from the "We Are Culture" programme. 
"Think of a place or location that is important to you. Now, finish the sentence "Why I love..." with all of the things that you love about that place." 

Day 2. Why I love... 
I love this place (Cervia, Italy) because it's like coming home after have travelled away. It's like finding a warm huge, a place where my defences can relax because I'm feeling comforted and listened and it is the only place where I can freely think about What I need in my life and have the strength to take important decision.

Le altre sfide erano:

We are human:

We are connected:

sabato 1 gennaio 2022

The January challenge. Day 1

Anche quest'anno ho deciso di partecipare alla January challenge di 64millionartists. Anche quest'anno ho scelto di partecipare alla sfida dove c'è il mix dei tre temi scelti per quest'anno: "We Are Human", "We Are Culture" and "We Are Connected." Sinceramente non avrei saputo quale dei tre scegliere...

Today's challenge is from "We Are Human".
Create a self portrait in one line. You could create your line in pen, paint, string - or anything else you can find.

Mah, non sono molto sicura che questo disegno mi assomigli neanche alla lontana, ma ci ho provato...

Le altre sfide: 
We Are Culture --> “2022” 

We are connected --> Cut and paste