venerdì 31 gennaio 2020

The january challenge - day 31

The January Challenge 2020, Day 31 - Celebrate! 
Congratulations! You’ve made it to the last day of The January Challenge 2020. 
It doesn’t matter if you’ve done one or thirty-one challenges – today, we’re ending the month with celebration. Today’s challenge is to celebrate your creativity! You could create a January souvenir, make yourself a medal, have a dance – do whatever it is you love to do, in whatever way you love to do it. Go you… 
This isn’t where the journey ends. We hope that your creative January turns into a creative February – look out for the next steps coming to you very soon. Congratulations, Challengers!

Siamo al 31 giorno, l'ultimo della sfida. Ho scoperto dell'esistenza del gruppo "64MillionArtists" e di questa sfida da un libro che ho letto l'anno scorso. Mi ero detta "ci provo, perchè no?" Mi sono divertita, tanto. Mi spiace solo aver saltato una delle giornate, la 27, che a dire la verità una idea l'avevo ma non l'ho messa in atto.. pazienza.
Ci riproverò il prossimo anno! Intanto... festeggiamo!

The january challenge - day 27

The January Challenge 2020, Day 27 - Move-It Monday
It’s Monday morning, time to shake off the weekend and step into a new week.
Pick a song and move to your beat! Everyone is a dancer today, and in the words of DanceWest – ‘Dance like no-one is watching, dance like everyone’s watching!’ Dance in your bedroom, with your friends, your family, at work, on the bus, in your chair – dance to your favourite song, or groove through the day… Find a way to share your experience with pictures, video or words!

Ahimè.. questa sfida, alla fine, non l'ho recuperata. Avevo l'idea ma non l'ho realizzata.

The january challenge - day 30

The January Challenge 2020, Day 30 - Your Turn 

It’s the final stretch. Happy day 30! Individuals, communities and organisations around the country (and around the world!) have set the challenges so far. Now, it’s your turn… Make up and set someone else a challenge. Anything goes – as long as it inspires their creativity, is simple, fun, quick and free! Here is your chance to get the people around you doing, thinking and sharing… 
Challenge your friends or family, colleagues or other January Challengers.

Lo ammetto, questa sfida l'ho saltata a piedi pari e non conto di recuperarla. Non ho idee di sfide da lanciare e mi scoccia essere troppo banale. Vediamo cosa riserverà l'ultimo giorno, domani...

mercoledì 29 gennaio 2020

The january challenge - day 29

The January Challenge 2020, Day 29 - Rewind!
Day 29! It’s not long now until #TheJanuaryChallenge finale. Let’s rewind!
Today we want you to look back at the month of challenges so far, and choose the one that you want to have a go at today. You could repeat one that you really enjoyed, or would like to do differently. You might have missed one that you fancy trying! Now’s your chance – do today, your way…

Ci ho pensato un po', c'erano alcune sfide carine che avrei rifatto volentieri. Alla fine ho scelto quella del numero 22 (che peraltro è pure il mio numero preferito), decidere un colore e fotografare oggetti di quel colore. Ho pensato al rosso, poi mi piaceva anche il blu, e allora li ho fatti entrambi.

The january challenge - day 28

The January Challenge 2020, Day 28 - Story Hunter
Today’s challenge is to find just one of those stories, and listen. Ask someone older or younger than you for a story they are happy to share. It could be a story from school, one about a pet, a holiday mishap, a lucky escape, or the story of their day so far. Stories come in many shapes and sizes - and can be found in all sorts of places! You could ask somebody at work or school, a friend, a family member, or reach out to a fellow Challenger online.

Day 28. Story hunter. 
Yesterday I helped a friends' son in his school homework. At a certain point, he began talking about a video game where you can find lethal candies that can eat a piece of your body and kill you. For example, ananas flavoured candy can eat your brain I'm not sure that I would let my kid to watch a so terrible video game, but surely he was a lot excited to tell me this story

domenica 26 gennaio 2020

The january challenge - day 26

The January Challenge 2020, Day 26 - Makes Sense 
Today we’re thinking about the senses. Sound, touch, taste, smell and sight. If you could create an enjoyable experience for one of your senses, what would it be? Create a sensory experience to enjoy. What’s a place that speaks to one of your senses? Do you get lost in music on your way to work? Do you love the aromas when you’re making a meal? Do you love the feel of water, or your pet, or gooey slime? Make time to enjoy one of your senses today and find a way to share the experience or feeling.

The only place that speaks to all of my senses is the sea. But, as I can't go to the sea today, and I'm about 100kms far from it, the other thing that makes me feel fine is my cat searching for cuddles, a cup of tea and a book.

The january challenge - day 25

The january challenge. Day 25 Nature's stamp
There are patterns, shapes and textures all around us... 
Create a print inspired by, or using nature. You could use leaves or food (or hands!) to make your mark with a printed pattern, or use the shapes and patterns of nature to inspire a design...anything goes! What can you find in nature's stamp?

Lo stampo di una foglia fatto coi pastelli a cera. Non lo facevo da quando ero bambina mi sa!

The january challenge - day 23

The january challenge. Day 23. Poets for the planet.
If you could have one superpower, and use it to make a positive impact on the planet, what would it be?
Write a short poem to tell us all about your power and how it would make a difference to the planet. What issue would you tackle? What superpower do you need to do that?
"Imagining that I have a super-power helps me to keep raising awareness and celebrating the amazing planet we all share. For me, creativity is anything from singing along to a pop song, to writing poems - it’s anything that makes me feel energised and engaged with the world and people around me."
Poets for the Planet.

Sono rimasta indietro di un paio di sfide, perchè la settimana scorsa è stata abbastanza impegnativa😓 
If I had a superpower, I would like to sweep away all bad people in the world. Insolent, cheaters, thieves, criminals of all kind. No more wars. No one who prevails the others. I would like to have a world where people can live in peace with animals and nature all around.

venerdì 24 gennaio 2020

The january challenge - day 24

The January Challenge. Day 24 - Take Three 
Three is the magic number…! Create something using three ‘things’ around you. You might create a meal with three ingredients, a poem with three words, or a tower using three objects. You could get creative with three colours, three photographs, or even three people…

Tre oggetti. Ho scelto tre gattini di pannolenci che feci qualche anno fa.

giovedì 23 gennaio 2020

The january challenge - day 22

The january challenge. Day 22. Shaded path.
Take a new path and notice what you find along the way. What’s your colour of the day? Go on a short walk - outside, in your house, or in your imagination. Notice the things you see which are a shade of the colour you’ve chosen. Find a way of collecting or sharing what you’ve found.

Ovviamente ho scelto il mio colore preferito, il giallo. E queste sono solo alcune delle molte cose gialle che ho intorno.

martedì 21 gennaio 2020

The january challenge - day 21

The january challenge. Day 21. Your song.

Imagine you’re the greatest songwriter in the world. Write the first line of your next big hit. It could be a line from a verse or the chorus. Who would you dedicate your song to?

La mia canzone sarebbe ovviamente dedicata al mare.

The january challenge - day 20

The january challenge. Day 20. Ta-da list.

domenica 19 gennaio 2020

The january challenge - day 19

The january challenge.
Day 19. Taste of home.

Il mio cibo preferito, probabilmente sono gli spaghetti alla carbonara. Qui li ho rappresentati con dei fili di lana e delle perle (che simboleggiano il guanciale).
Ma se parliamo di casa, allora devo citare i tortellini. E allora ho fatto anche un tortellino, con un quadrato di pannolenci e una perla dentro.

The january challenge - day 18

The january challenge.
Day 18. Find a landmark
A landmark helps us find our way. If we’re busy going from place to place it might be the only thing we look up and really notice... 
Make a version of your local landmark using any objects you can find. Your landmark might be old, it might be new, natural, man-made, well known or a hidden gem. What makes it recognisable? You could use things you own, things you borrow or things you find to make your landmark.

Landmark è un monumento, un punto di riferimento. Ovviamente, parlando di Bologna non possono che essere le due torri. Così ho provato a farne un disegno molto stilizzato.

venerdì 17 gennaio 2020

The january challenge - day 17

The january challenge. Day 17. What do you stand for? 

I think that world would be better if every of us respect other ideas, avoid to damage other, live in peace with other. And for "other" I mean not only people, but also animals and nature.


giovedì 16 gennaio 2020

The january challenge - day 16

The january challenge. Day 16. Whatever the Weather
People take part in #TheJanuaryChallenge all over the country, and around the world. This year already people in Tanzania, Slovakia, Nigeria, Germany, Singapore (and more!) have shared their creative endeavours with us. How’s the weather where you are?
Capture the day in a frame inspired by today's weather. Create a frame using the things around you (you could use paper, material, a tree, your hands...) to capture your view.

Ho creato una specie di finestra e questo è quello che sivedeva fuori dalla finestra del mio ufficio stamattina. Cielo grigio ma con uno spiraglio di sole che provava a fare capolino.


mercoledì 15 gennaio 2020

The january challenge - day 15

The january challenge. Day 15. Here's looking at you.
Today is about turning 'I can't draw' into 'I am drawing'... Draw two quick and colourful self-portraits. One with your dominant hand and then another, using your non-dominant hand. This is about enjoying the process, not making a masterpiece! Give it a go and see what happens - what are the different qualities in the drawings? Which one do you prefer?

Day 15. I was going to not take parte to this request because I'm not able to draw, more over I don't know how to draw a self portrait. So I was going to cheating and draw someone I love very much: a cat. After have done it, I saw that all of you had draw a self portrait so I decided to try. The only thing near to reality are probably the hair made with the right hand 😂 Drawing is not my art


martedì 14 gennaio 2020

The january challenge - day 14

The january challenge. 
Day 14. We are family.
The word ‘family’ takes on all sorts of different meanings, and comes in all sorts of shapes, sizes and places. It might mean your siblings, your pets, your friends, colleagues, the people that care for you, or the people that you care for. It might a community that you enjoy being a part of – online or offline. Create your version of a ‘family tree.’ Your tree might be a doodle, or it might be made of thumbprints, leaves, photographs, objects. There is no right and wrong – there are many different types of family, and many ways that you might want to do this challenge. Spend 10 minutes today finding a creative way to capture yours.

(Lo copio-incollo direttamente da quello che ho postato)
I tried to find an original way to represent What I can call family. I did it with beads. Every beads represent someone that I call family (the number of the beads doesn't count, there isn't a bead for each person) : those who are blood of my blod (red), closer friends (light blue), my boyfriend (even though his favourite color is red, here is represented blu 😜), my cat (it's easy, I have only one cat and she is black), my photo club (white). The threads are the various way we are connected.

The january challenge - day 13

The january challenge.
Day 13. To be continued...
La sfida consisteva nel prendere un foglio, puntare il timer per dieci minuti e scrivere. Qualunque cosa. Al termine, prendere il foglio e distruggere le parole.
Ammetto che non è stato facile. Ho dovuto sforzarmi a scrivere qualcosa che non avrei voluto conservare, e al tempo stesso che però non fosse solo una fila di parole senza senso.


domenica 12 gennaio 2020

The january challenge - day 12

The January challenge.
Day 12. Positive shelf-image.
Fill a 'bookshelf' with 12 things. Your bookshelf might be a doodle, or you might want to put meaningful objects out on display. Each thing should show an experience you’d like to have this year. It could be a book you want to read, a film to watch, a photo of a day out, a souvenir from a country you want to visit... Spend 10 minutes today filing your shelf with the things you’d love to collect on the way to 2021.


sabato 11 gennaio 2020

The january challenge - day 11

The january challenge. Day 11. Bring the outside in.
Beh, ogni volta che vado al mare, non riesco a non portare a casa conchiglie. Alcune di loro diventeranno parte di progetti creativi, soprattutto ho diverse idee con la resina, ma mi serve un clima più caldo.


venerdì 10 gennaio 2020

The january challenge - day 10

The january challenge. Day 10. Join the dots.
Ho deciso di posizionare alcuni spilli a cuore, e di unirli con del filo di cotone.


giovedì 9 gennaio 2020

The january challenge - day 9

The january challenge.
Day 9. One staple collage.
Avevo avuto un'altra idea, in realtà, poi ho riletto la richiesta di oggi e ho pensato a qualcosa di più "piatto". E così avevo ancora sul tavolo del materiale natalizio e ho pensato a questo:


mercoledì 8 gennaio 2020

The january challenge - day 8

Day 8. Winter Haiku. 
C'è da comporre un Haiku. "A haiku is a short poem, traditionally inspired by nature or the seasons. Today's challenge invites you to experiment with describing the sounds and smells of a winter day... Write a 'winter haiku. A haiku has three lines made up five syllables, seven syllables then five syllables. Like this... 

Write five syllables 
The next line should have seven 
Mention the season 

Challenges are about giving something new a go and celebrating the process, as well as the product. Try not to spend much longer than 5-10 minutes writing your poem - let's create and see what happens! You might simply want to share what it made you think about, or how the experience was for you." 

Ho composto il mio haiku stamattina, adesso (anzi, nel pomeriggio) è venuta giù una nebbia piuttosto spessa. 

Sole d'inverno 
riscaldi questo freddo. 
Voglio l'estate! 

Winter sun
you warm up this cold.
I want the summer!

The january challenge - day 7

Day 7. Post-It Possibilities

What can you create with something as small as a Post-It?
Take a Post-It or a small square piece of paper, and have a go at turning it into something new. It could be an origami animal, a tiny piece of street art, a design for a tile or even a cape for a grape...

Il mio post-it:

lunedì 6 gennaio 2020

The january challenge - day 6

Giorno 6.
Da brava golosa, ho deciso di aprire la porta del forno, sperando di trovarci una torta. Ovviamente, non avendo tempo di fare una torta oggi, al posto di quella ci ho trovato delle raviole eh eh. 

domenica 5 gennaio 2020

The january challenge - day 5

The january challenge. Day 5.
Le due macchine fotografiche sembra che abbiano la stessa dimensione. In realtà, quella in primo piano (destra) è una chiavetta usb, mentre l'altra è davvero una macchina fotografica.
