domenica 26 gennaio 2020

The january challenge - day 23

The january challenge. Day 23. Poets for the planet.
If you could have one superpower, and use it to make a positive impact on the planet, what would it be?
Write a short poem to tell us all about your power and how it would make a difference to the planet. What issue would you tackle? What superpower do you need to do that?
"Imagining that I have a super-power helps me to keep raising awareness and celebrating the amazing planet we all share. For me, creativity is anything from singing along to a pop song, to writing poems - it’s anything that makes me feel energised and engaged with the world and people around me."
Poets for the Planet.

Sono rimasta indietro di un paio di sfide, perchè la settimana scorsa è stata abbastanza impegnativa😓 
If I had a superpower, I would like to sweep away all bad people in the world. Insolent, cheaters, thieves, criminals of all kind. No more wars. No one who prevails the others. I would like to have a world where people can live in peace with animals and nature all around.

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