martedì 14 gennaio 2020

The january challenge - day 14

The january challenge. 
Day 14. We are family.
The word ‘family’ takes on all sorts of different meanings, and comes in all sorts of shapes, sizes and places. It might mean your siblings, your pets, your friends, colleagues, the people that care for you, or the people that you care for. It might a community that you enjoy being a part of – online or offline. Create your version of a ‘family tree.’ Your tree might be a doodle, or it might be made of thumbprints, leaves, photographs, objects. There is no right and wrong – there are many different types of family, and many ways that you might want to do this challenge. Spend 10 minutes today finding a creative way to capture yours.

(Lo copio-incollo direttamente da quello che ho postato)
I tried to find an original way to represent What I can call family. I did it with beads. Every beads represent someone that I call family (the number of the beads doesn't count, there isn't a bead for each person) : those who are blood of my blod (red), closer friends (light blue), my boyfriend (even though his favourite color is red, here is represented blu 😜), my cat (it's easy, I have only one cat and she is black), my photo club (white). The threads are the various way we are connected.

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