mercoledì 8 gennaio 2020

The january challenge - day 8

Day 8. Winter Haiku. 
C'è da comporre un Haiku. "A haiku is a short poem, traditionally inspired by nature or the seasons. Today's challenge invites you to experiment with describing the sounds and smells of a winter day... Write a 'winter haiku. A haiku has three lines made up five syllables, seven syllables then five syllables. Like this... 

Write five syllables 
The next line should have seven 
Mention the season 

Challenges are about giving something new a go and celebrating the process, as well as the product. Try not to spend much longer than 5-10 minutes writing your poem - let's create and see what happens! You might simply want to share what it made you think about, or how the experience was for you." 

Ho composto il mio haiku stamattina, adesso (anzi, nel pomeriggio) è venuta giù una nebbia piuttosto spessa. 

Sole d'inverno 
riscaldi questo freddo. 
Voglio l'estate! 

Winter sun
you warm up this cold.
I want the summer!

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